IEEE Magnetics Society Student Travel Award

We are grateful to the IEEE Magnetics Society for providing a $5000 student travel grant that enabled a number of students to attend the Magnonics 2022 conference via reducing their conference registration fee. The following students are recipients of this IEEE Magnetics Society Student Travel Award. Congratulations!

Petro Artemchuk, Oakland University

Hannah Bradley, Oakland University

Ping Che, EPFL

Jeongheon Choe, University of Texas at Austin

Aya El Kanj, Université Paris-Saclay

Huixin Guo, EPFL

Nicole Guo, Cornell University

Martina Kiechle, TU Munich

Andrea Mucchietto, EPFL

Kyle Rockwell, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Alison Roxburgh, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Laura Scheuer, University of Kaiserslautern

David Schmoll, University of Vienna

Krzysztof Szulc, Adam Mickiewicz University

Ondrej Wojewoda, Brno University of Technology

Yanyou Xie, Cornell University

Noura Zenbaa, University of Vienna

Best Poster Award Winners

We are grateful to Magnetochemistry - an open access journal by MDPI for sponsoring the Best Poster Awards. The Best Poster Award winners are selected by the Poster Awards Committee. Congratulations!

Frank Feringa, University of Groningen

Christopher Heins, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

Laura Scheuer, University of Kaiserslautern

José Solano, IPCM Strasbourg